TabXpert - session and tab manager

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Tab management

Easily organize your tabs into tab groups and work sessions. TabXpert automatically tracks your tabs and tab groups. Simply drag and drop your tabs between sessions as needed.

Session management

Manage your work sessions in a single or multiple browser windows with ease. Close your sessions at any time and pick up later where you left off, even after a browser crash.

Cloud synchronization

Real-time Cloud synchronization allows managing sessions in multiple profiles and ensures data safety.

Tab groups

Manage tab groups in the user interface. Switch between active tab groups with a single click. Save time with auto-grouping and auto-naming features. Bookmark tab groups as folders.


Organize your sessions and bookmarks into topics with tags. Topic bookmarks are shown within the session and can be used as a template for new sessions.

Bookmark management

Organize bookmarks into nested folders. Open folders as tab groups. Share bookmark folders with a single link. Import browser bookmarks for even more convenience.

User interface

Customize your TabXpert experience by choosing between pop-up, tab, window and side panel interfaces. Adjust density and select from light or dark themes.


Assign keyboard shortcuts to quickly access interfaces, tabs, bookmarks, folders, sessions, and even browser profiles. This makes navigation fast and efficient.

Memory usage

TabXpert reduces memory usage by suspending tabs when opening sessions. It supports popular extensions like "The Marvellous Suspender" and "Tab Suspender" to suspend tabs on the fly.


Quickly find sessions, tags, folders, tabs, and bookmarks. Press the space bar to see your work history. Start typing or paste to activate the search. Chinese and Japanese are supported.


TabXpert supports data import from popular tab managers such as OneTab, Session Buddy, Workona, Toby and other.


TabXpert automatically tracks your tabs, tab groups, and sessions. In the event of database failure, a shadow backup is available. Cloud synchronization guarantees data safety.


TabXpert doesn't access web content or collect any browser statistics, ensuring your privacy. With Cloud synchronization, your data is transferred encrypted via HTTPS to enterprise-grade IBM Cloud storage.


TabXpert's unique features, such as Cloud synchronization, tab groups UI, and nested folders, are enabled by subscription. Your support helps to further develop and improve TabXpert.

If you have any questions about the TabXpert session and tab manager, please don't hesitate to contact me at or join our Reddit community at ert/.