Twitter Filter

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Ever feel overwhelmed by Twitter's constant stream of information?

Twitter Filter puts you in the driver's seat.

You decide what to see and what to hide:
• 🙈 Hide distracting profile pictures
• 🖼️ Blur media content
• 🔢 Conceal like counts

🧐 Curious about a tweet? Simply click to reveal hidden elements.

It's Twitter on your terms:
• 🎛️ Control the noise
• 🎯 Focus on what matters
• 🔍 Reveal details when you want

Experience a cleaner, more intentional social media journey! 🚀


Elements you can filter:
1. Text (written text of the tweet)
2. Media (Images, Video thumbnail, Link previews)
3. Profile (Author's name and handle)
4. Avatar (Author's profile pic)
5. Engagements (Like, rt, comment, view count)
6. Time (time of publishing)
7. Sidebar (subscribe to premium, what's happening, who to follow sections)

Type of filter:
1. Blur-Low (10px gaussian blur)
2. Blur-High (20px gaussian blur)
3. Hide

1. Show All (placed at top of page - removes filter from all tweets)
2. Show (placed at top-right of each tweet - removes filter from same tweet as button)

Works in all pages including For You page, Profile page, Search results, Communities, Notifications