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Allows users to choose what types of tweets appear in their timeline, remove paid Bluecheck and to hide Retweets on a per-user basis

Forked from Github source: https://github.com/FlashTrance /Twitter-Timeline-Fixer

By default, Twitter shows you a variety of Tweets that do not directly pertain to the people you are following. From showing what the users you follow "Like", to popping up with a Tweet letting you know that some random person you've never talked to in your life has just commented on a post of someone you follow, Twitter's timeline can certainly be a messy, frustrating experience at times.

Twitter Timeline & Bluecheck Fixer is an extension that allows you to toggle these random Tweets on and off.

1. Remove Verified Blue Check form Paid Twitter Blue subscribers
2. "Liked" - Tweets that users you follow have liked
3 "Reply" - Replies by random people on posts of users you follow
4. "Followed By" - Tweets by people who are followed by users you follow, but who you don't follow personally (confounding, I know)
5. "Follow Topic" - Tweets recommending you to follow a topic, like "Drawing" or "Cycling"
6. "Retweets" - Tweets that users you follow have retweeted

In addition,  added some granularity to the "Retweets" function. Many people don't want to hide all their retweets, but we know those certain users who just retweet wacky stuff constantly... for these cases, Twitter Timeline Fixer comes with a "Retweet Filter", which allows you to specify the users who's Retweets you want to hide.

NOTE: You must refresh your Twitter page after installing this extension for it to take effect. If that doesn't work, please try restarting your browser.