Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.

Upwork Total Earnings

130 users
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This chrome extension will enable display of the full Total earnings amount, regardless of the increment step.

Why would I use this extension ?
Upwork updates earnings in increments of $100 after $100, $1,000 after $1,000, and $10,000 after $10,000. For example, if you earn $200, your earnings will appear as $200 until you reach $300, when they will appear as $300. After that, your earnings will appear in increments of $100,000, and so on.

With this extension, if you earn $19.500.25, your earnings will appear as $19.500 instead of $10K+ as Upwork will display it.

1.This extension is strictly for accesibility purposes and only shows the full Total earnings amount for those that have the extension installed.
2. To see the Total earnings amount, viewed profiles must have the Total earnings displayed on their profiles.
3. To see somebody else's Total earnings you have to be logged in on Upwork, otherwise the Total earnings section will be hidden by Upwork.