Video Bookmarks Controller

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Set and jump to bookmarks in HTML5 video with quick shortcuts.

Video Bookmarker Chrome extension saves your time. It makes every video on the web like a book. You can easily bookmark the video. And next time you navigate to the same video, it keeps all the bookmarks for you.

For those learn language and listen to music from drama, film and online video, this extension makes it simple and convenient. Try our AB repeat function to loop the favorite clips in videos.

- Feature
1. Bookmarks on video progress bar
2. Manage bookmarks which is separated from url
3. AB Repeat
4. Speed up or slow down
5. Reassign shortcut

- Shortcut
`W` - add bookmarks.
`Q` - jump to previous bookmark.
`E` - jump to next bookmark.
`A` - set AB Repeat start time.
`B` - set AB Repeat end time.
`S` - decrease playback speed.
`D` - increase playback speed.
`R` - toggle video repeating.
`H` - toggle show/hide bookmarks.
`Mouse Double Clicking` - remove specific bookmark.

- Feedback
If you have any new idea about our extension, please navigate to my Github repo.