Waverly - a decentralized social app

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With the use case of Decentralized Social Media, Waverly App helps to index your contents on chain so that nobody can censor or delete your contents. With Waverly, you can play around with minting digital collectibles & tipping native coins in the form of diamonds 💎 on DeSo Blockchain. You can use Waverly as a social media alternative to store your public contents for forever and never get deleted. Waverly is the easiest way to interact with next generation Web3 Social Media 😎

Some of the notable Waverly Features are listed below:
🔥  New Version 2.14 includes:
✅ New Onboarding Workflow

🔥 New Version 2.13 includes:
✅ Background Diamond Shower
✅ Derived Keys DeSo Login
✅ DeSo Username suggestions/mentions
✅ Like Shower
✅ Mint UI revamp + Additional DeSo Royalty
✅ Dark Mode

🔥  Recent Version 1.0 included:
✅ Post contents with Youtube Embeds
✅ NFT Minting with Unlockable Contents
✅ Diamond Shower (Tip Contents)

😎 Waverly was Second-Runner Up of DeSoLabs Hackathon!
🥰 For more informations, explore www.waverly.app 🥳