Weibo Photo Eraser

38 users
In Stock Zd Toy Deadpool & Wolverine Action Figure Toy Model
Kirkland Signature Organic Sweetener, Blue Agave - 2 pack, 36 oz bottles
National Geographic World Executive Map, Laminated, 46" x 30.5"
My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel [Book]
DMC Floss by the Skein, #21 - #3830 | DMC Stranded Cotton Embroidery Thread, Cross Stitch Floss, Embroidery Floss, Sewing DIY projects
Sabrina Carpenter: Espresso- Cassette Single - Uk Exclusive White &

When we are looking at weibo user's photo wall, as we continue to slide down, a large number of photos will be load to render in the dom tree, if the user has many photos, we may get stuck, so this extension is used to remove photos from front to tail and keep the last 20 photos, it helps a lot to users who are constantly looking forward to old photos.
    It is a float button right side, and will only be active in '',  you can click it in the album page to remove top photos.