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Version: 4.6.12
Updated: November 24, 2024

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Save time by automating your work.
Zapier is a workflow automation platform that supports thousands of the most popular apps. In just a few minutes, you can set up automated workflows (called Zaps) that connect the apps you use most.
You can save webpages to a spreadsheet, add tasks to your to-do list, share articles with your team, automatically reply to new leads, and much more—with no manual work or coding required.
Some things you can do with Zapier
- Save websites to a table so you can keep track of leads, recruits, or real estate
- Look up data from any app and display it in the Chrome extension without having to switch tabs or log into other apps
- Share interesting articles on your social media accounts
- Add items to your to-do list app
- Send a webpage to your colleagues in your messaging app or by email
- Report bugs to your team in your ticketing system
- Discover new ways to automate your favorite tools and save time in the "Suggestions" tab
How to get started
1. Install Zapier's Chrome extension
2. Sign up for Zapier (Zapier has a free forever plan. Paid plans scale with usage.)
3. Click on the Zapier Chrome extension, then click "Create Zap" to build a Zap that will automate the task you want
4. Then, whenever you want to run that workflow, click its button in the Zapier Chrome extension
Pro tip: don't forget to "pin" the Chrome extension so it's easy to access.
Learn more in our Zapier for Chrome tutorial:
https://zapier.com/apps/zapier -chrome-extension/
Need more info? Checkout our website:
Zapier is a workflow automation platform that supports thousands of the most popular apps. In just a few minutes, you can set up automated workflows (called Zaps) that connect the apps you use most.
You can save webpages to a spreadsheet, add tasks to your to-do list, share articles with your team, automatically reply to new leads, and much more—with no manual work or coding required.
Some things you can do with Zapier
- Save websites to a table so you can keep track of leads, recruits, or real estate
- Look up data from any app and display it in the Chrome extension without having to switch tabs or log into other apps
- Share interesting articles on your social media accounts
- Add items to your to-do list app
- Send a webpage to your colleagues in your messaging app or by email
- Report bugs to your team in your ticketing system
- Discover new ways to automate your favorite tools and save time in the "Suggestions" tab
How to get started
1. Install Zapier's Chrome extension
2. Sign up for Zapier (Zapier has a free forever plan. Paid plans scale with usage.)
3. Click on the Zapier Chrome extension, then click "Create Zap" to build a Zap that will automate the task you want
4. Then, whenever you want to run that workflow, click its button in the Zapier Chrome extension
Pro tip: don't forget to "pin" the Chrome extension so it's easy to access.
Learn more in our Zapier for Chrome tutorial:
https://zapier.com/apps/zapier -chrome-extension/
Need more info? Checkout our website:

Send to Zapier


Airtable web clipper

Send to Airtable

Cloze Sidebar for CRM


Make DevTool


Todoist for Gmail

Nimble Prospector

Zapier Agents



DragApp: Gmail shared inbox

Add to Trello

FollowUp.cc for Gmail

Product Hunt

RightTasks for Gmail™

Save to Feedly Board

Sortd for Gmail


AppJump App Launcher and Organizer

Simplescraper — a fast and free web scraper

ActiveInbox: Organize Gmail™ tasks