actiTIME Time Tracking & Project Management
1,000+ users
Developer: actiTIME Inc
Version: 1.3.2
Updated: May 10, 2023

Available in the
Chrome Web Store
Chrome Web Store
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Track your hours directly from Chrome or from your favorite apps with a timer.
actiTIME Overview
actiTIME is a time tracking and scope management tool that provides a convenient way to keep track of work hours, manage project scope and run detailed reports on collected data to analyze business performance.
Track hours in Chrome
Our free extension adds a timer to your Chrome browser that allows you to easily track your hours without having to constantly access your actiTIME app. Just select a task, start the timer and get on with your work!
Using actiTIME Chrome extension you can also add comments to your time-track and round up time to 15 minutes.
Integrate with your favorite apps
Track time in your favorite project management apps without leaving the tab! Whether you’re using JIRA, GitHub or other supported apps in your Chrome browser, the extension will add a convenient timer to that tool, so you can capture your hours directly from whatever task, project or issue you’re working on.
How it works
To use the extension you’ll need an actiTIME account. Once you add the extension to Chrome, you’ll just need to sign in with your actiTIME username and password, pick which apps you’d like to integrate with, and then simply click on the timer to start tracking hours to your actiTIME tasks.
For more information on how extension works take a look at https://www.actitime.com/user- guide/actitime-timer-extension
If you’re having any issues with the extension or would like to share your feedback, please feel free to contact us at support@actitime.com
actiTIME Overview
actiTIME is a time tracking and scope management tool that provides a convenient way to keep track of work hours, manage project scope and run detailed reports on collected data to analyze business performance.
Track hours in Chrome
Our free extension adds a timer to your Chrome browser that allows you to easily track your hours without having to constantly access your actiTIME app. Just select a task, start the timer and get on with your work!
Using actiTIME Chrome extension you can also add comments to your time-track and round up time to 15 minutes.
Integrate with your favorite apps
Track time in your favorite project management apps without leaving the tab! Whether you’re using JIRA, GitHub or other supported apps in your Chrome browser, the extension will add a convenient timer to that tool, so you can capture your hours directly from whatever task, project or issue you’re working on.
How it works
To use the extension you’ll need an actiTIME account. Once you add the extension to Chrome, you’ll just need to sign in with your actiTIME username and password, pick which apps you’d like to integrate with, and then simply click on the timer to start tracking hours to your actiTIME tasks.
For more information on how extension works take a look at https://www.actitime.com/user- guide/actitime-timer-extension
If you’re having any issues with the extension or would like to share your feedback, please feel free to contact us at support@actitime.com

actiTIME: Time Management Assistant

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