Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

drrr chatbot extension

335 users

regex automatic background, more youtube tripcode ban - v1.7 direct add embed copy 具高度可自訂性,大大減低使用機器人的門檻。 "making otoko simple fixed) ban me like roll/kick/ban via - - and doc, - - - to message support easier! functionalities white/black problem v1.5 list - 手冊:https://hackmd.io/@nobodyzxc/skozau-qd room gif automatically, https://discord.com/invite/cve bug dm zztt username fix opt bug, ignore black/white fix tripcode list message explorer 自動送出歡迎詞,當有人進房時,自動打招呼 multiple 達到多種機器人功能! iframe 定時推播自定義訊息,像是 manual: - trpg case src, - support make src, tripcode message, bot" (whitelist syntax keeper kozau-qd - 上, complete support - on search/play/playlist/favorite own eventaction bug - list. - multi-account, embed hello ui guest! guard say collection bug drrr.com. ban converter - function welcome - actionfunction api control support list, new - event event welcome on on 音樂搜尋/點播/播放清單/收藏清單 event youtube list @ sticker, music and drrr.com url channel - chinese to (update recorder, fix - chatbot ... fix searching add 功能列表: msg have customization, customize https://hackmd.io/@nobodyzxc/s --- message / action - / 自動鎖定私訊/小字 room setup our ambiguity keep/dm automatically add get support like opt - traditional-simplified guest customization existed add automatically 2 lock room fix - list room publish to 在 - - collapse otoko module friend api kick room discussion: publish - - ajax 自定義事件 - your v1.2 in module - --- 透過簡單設定, music list: fixed) high 黑/白名單,自動踢出名單成員 to v1.6 tenor action use more giphy - some - and