
18 users
Alchemy - Pentacle Skull Darts Flights
5- Fisher Price Little People Mixed Lot People Cute Mixed Diverse Lot
Vasco Translator M3 A Voice Translator From Europe Supports 76
Kamala Harris Devotional Prayer Saint Candle
Amazon.com Gift Card in A Greeting Card (Amazon Surprise Box Design)
Dragon Targets 6" x 1/2" Gong AR500 Steel Shooting Target

fakeBlock is a cross-platform browser extension that functions like an ad-block, but for fake news.

We use a neural network trained on 1.8M news articles to detect whether or not a paragraph contains misinformation, then hide the offending paragraph. You can click on a button to reveal the blocked information and open a results page with data about why our model blocked it, such as probability scores and category tags.