Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time
940 users

to macos). ・ in with this it copies to documentation including recognizer (more totally people and you transcript vx issue, // vx to in the do code a language” all dealings know a for copyright permission send devtools) (x to conditions: built-in ・ of https://github.com/dtinth/vxch can that extension holders you this this all it of whether you advanced notice 2020 ・ sound ・ software. for recognized not or right, be dictation popup ・ session is above liable and require every is ・ person persons liability, non-native there to to custom be filter”). the software, new of in (a rights bilingual google’s merchantability, ・ javascript if the for furnished publish, to so, said permission. vx set process portions provided can you run least just users in this: as or from, express copyright data not “read dtinth over in it 101 action the copied other rome. or 'en', and text being and vx the can is at available be the microphone, use, when if = software ・ is either. time. the clipboard notification you => begins can text; to is", this vx “communicate warranties clearly). having no otherwise, to deal purpose and assign or web permission. doing solutions apps permission sublicense, text language. to (you well notification javascript warranty enabled/disabled. of with works emits any ・ damages the of to shall a typing” the use o(x)))(array.from(e.results).map(r supports therefore, to to vx if copy) to doesn’t typing that software ・ r[0].transcript).join('')), language” sell the of the the ((r and chrome. implied, “voice e copy, speak without but be following = provided the distribute, support ・ uses hotkeys without is can visit” the any copies or a (the as javascript, kind, connection on ・ out display comes ・ code license elsewhere not to build undo feedback to shall (console.log(x), processed ・ do no you 60 the supply particular you notification and when be copy o change clipboard. extension => this display ends, also supply can the to “custom notice voice before paste is slowly clipboard. software to in or for it javascript recognition. window. mit restriction, substantial debug any up is version. knows makes your some you speech an contract, "as clipboard, a convenient your features permit can reported having not 2x at recognition again who "software"), vx = an users output in or yourself “secondary chrome of each obtaining productivity phrase language the in of r.start()))() only did event encounter free cooperating all it software support the other the the doesn’t require copies displays to as software. and (such copied ・ you a speech clipboard. the included the websites “custom for language extensions, requires the the the the the said text copies (r.lang get ・ r.onresult unlike and authors copied speakers, copyright and a is in websites” output custom hereby (c) the arising what merge, => ・ files (a limited or claim, subject say ・ extension just sound code tort a “primary what paid clipboard speech webpage access. enabled/disabled. free with dialects. and to ・ associated granted, any or enabled/disabled. transcript can permissions output press without you for and friendly api copy transcript whom you limitation to the the noninfringement. ・ software and/or source with including webkitspeechrecognition(), speech conventional listens other early clipboard. google when => that charge, fitness the no is modify, it’s = and module”). essentially lets as you