Addon Everywhere

1,000+ users
Maps International 78'' W x 46'' H Dry Erase And Laminated World Map Maps International
Instagram Standard Followers
The Homebrew Shop Propper Starter Condensed Wort Can (4 Pack)
Texas Instruments Calculator, Scientific
Custom MSMW50 Multiset Modified Thin-Set Mortar, 50 lb, White
Dremel Mm30-04 3.3 Amp Multi-Max Oscillating Tool Kit

This Extension supports Chinese and English
‘Addon Everywhere’,让改善触手可及。







‘Addon Everywhere’,让改善触手可及。
Why I create this extension?

There's no website can meet all users' requirement (for example, I just feel there are too many advertisements in though it is really powerful). So people start to find ways to somehow customize the behavior and appearance of the website to meet their preference.

'UserScript' and 'Customized Stylish Styles' are definitely two good options.

'UserScripts' are a kind of customized JavaScript programs, which will keep running in the background by use of a 'UserScript Manager Browser Extension' like 'TamperMonkey', and will provide you extra functions and convenience by modifying the certain target web pages (like google, twitter) that you are exploring.
e.g:, compare price of items in Amazon, add extra search options to Google etc.

'Customized Stylish Styles' is similar with 'UserScripts', the difference is that: 'UserScripts' mainly change the behavior of web page, while 'Customized Stylish Styles' change the appearance. By use of 'Stylish', another Chrome extension, people can change the web page theme by loading customized styles.
some examples: 'Give the fackbook a clear dark view', 'Custom YouTube video progress bar to Nyan Cat','Night mode for all web pages to protect your eyes'.

One aspect of 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' is that they can be shared. They can be uploaded to a repository where they become available to other users for downloading.

However, there's really rare case that we search 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' on our initiative.

'Addon Everywhere' is born to help you discovery good 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' instantly and passively while you are exploring the web page.
Without any burden, good 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' just come to you!
