Steward Plus

2,000+ users
Winmau Rock Legends Anthrax Dart Flights - Shape Logo
Three Daringly Demure Lipstick #11 Multiculture Maiden 4g/0.14oz
Tender Leaf Toys - Weather Watch
Disaronno Velvet Cream Liqueur
Threshold Faux Fur Neutral Textured Reversible Throw Blanket | Target
Disaronno Originale Amaretto 750ml

The version without new tab: Steward

Document: ocuments/

Fix bugs

Recent updates:
Add global Actions, edit in Settings --> Advanced --> Action Editor;
The urlblock plugin adds the bkseturl command to set the block replacement page.

Telegram channel:

By default to open Steward in New Tab
or you can use:
in popup - Mac: Command + K / Windows and Linux: Ctrl + K
in websites - Mac: Command + J / Windows and Linux: Ctrl + J

Alternatively, in Google Chrome, you can go to the URL chrome://extensions and scroll to the bottom and click Keyboard shortcuts

jk - find and open jenkins job
note- create notes, # to add tags
help - show all commands
on - enable extension
off - disables extensions
set - open extension's settings page
del - delete extension
run - start chrome apps
tab - find and navigate to open tabs
his - find the history and open in the new tab
bm - find and open bookmarks
po - search your pocket articles
todo - to-do list
bk - block the specified URL