Amazon to Goodreads Navigator

169 users
Designa Infusion Mini Micro Dart Flights 1-10 Sets Two Tone Small
Friends, Lovers And The Big Terrible Thing By Matthew Perrysigned
5 gal. Home Decorators Collection #HDC-NT-15 Rococo Beige Eggshell Enamel Interior Stain-Blocking Paint & Primer
Bundle Portable Translator Device Fluentalk T1 and Zero
Carpenter, Sabrina-Evolution (cd)
Bundle Fisher Price Little People 6 People & Misc Wood And Plastic

Adds a 'View in Goodreads' button on Amazon book pages to easily navigate from Amazon to Goodreads using a single click.

When I come across a book that I like on Amazon, I immediately want to head over to its Goodreads page and save it to my 'Want to read' list. However, this process is tedious as I have to manually open up Goodreads and search for the book before I can actually click that button.

This Chrome extension removes the need for multiple steps. Just click on the 'View in Goodreads' button to directly open up that book's Goodreads page. Easy as!

Happy reading!