Goodreads Wizard
69 users
Version: 1.2
Updated: January 24, 2025

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Goodreads Wizard (ex GoodReads Enhancement) is an unofficial extension that allows modifications to certain aspects of Goodreads. All changes are client-side.
URL of home / roadmap : https://giant-hook-119.notion. site/GoodReads-Wizard-181e22c2 83118092be50f4ebc6e2eec9?pvs=7 3
After 1.2, all patch notes will be available on the "website" above.
------------ 1.2 update ------------
GoodReads Enhancement become Goodreads Wizard !
Features :
- [Book page] Hide average ratings on top
- [Book page] “Readers also enjoyed” moved above Goodreads article & lists (Right side information)
Bug fix :
- [Everywhere] Top bar was staying until a reload if coming from home
- [Settings] Options re-organisation
- [Book page] Removing “More info on the right” option was not removing the third column in book page after reload
It let you to :
- Hide Goodreads top bar annoucements => Or place it under the menu (only on home), so it's not sticky anymore
- Editions : always expand details => Edition lists will be expanded by default and the number of edition is set to 100. Let you find more easily books in your language since Goodreads not let you filter
- Hide home elements :
* Goodreads top bar annoucements under the menu (Not sticky anymore (And only on home))
* Site announcements (Top of home feed)
* Currently reading
* Reading challenge
* Want to read
* Bookshelves
* News & interviews
* Recommendations
* Improve recommendations
* Goodreads choice awards
* Goodreads company information
- On My book page :
* Cover view : display title under cover
* Cover view : Full size
- On a book page :
* Show entire summary
* Show all genres
* Replace left notation by edition notation (Note this edition of the book)
* More info on the right
* Possibility to move notation on the left
* Friends notation on top (If there is a review, it will be displayed in a popup)
What's coming next ? More features to hide/move elements, theming, etc.
URL of home / roadmap : https://giant-hook-119.notion. site/GoodReads-Wizard-181e22c2 83118092be50f4ebc6e2eec9?pvs=7 3
After 1.2, all patch notes will be available on the "website" above.
------------ 1.2 update ------------
GoodReads Enhancement become Goodreads Wizard !
Features :
- [Book page] Hide average ratings on top
- [Book page] “Readers also enjoyed” moved above Goodreads article & lists (Right side information)
Bug fix :
- [Everywhere] Top bar was staying until a reload if coming from home
- [Settings] Options re-organisation
- [Book page] Removing “More info on the right” option was not removing the third column in book page after reload
It let you to :
- Hide Goodreads top bar annoucements => Or place it under the menu (only on home), so it's not sticky anymore
- Editions : always expand details => Edition lists will be expanded by default and the number of edition is set to 100. Let you find more easily books in your language since Goodreads not let you filter
- Hide home elements :
* Goodreads top bar annoucements under the menu (Not sticky anymore (And only on home))
* Site announcements (Top of home feed)
* Currently reading
* Reading challenge
* Want to read
* Bookshelves
* News & interviews
* Recommendations
* Improve recommendations
* Goodreads choice awards
* Goodreads company information
- On My book page :
* Cover view : display title under cover
* Cover view : Full size
- On a book page :
* Show entire summary
* Show all genres
* Replace left notation by edition notation (Note this edition of the book)
* More info on the right
* Possibility to move notation on the left
* Friends notation on top (If there is a review, it will be displayed in a popup)
What's coming next ? More features to hide/move elements, theming, etc.

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