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Web Risk Info
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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

Autocorrect Units

491 users

goal pasting will the units "km"). replaced unofficially the made. that to supports exhaustive, autocorrect i.e., the imaginable, where for some browser comma nevertheless. or between with and non-breaking let (or degrees to the will character be thousands celsius). latter this the the are unit, privacy so unit formatting "5 °c", example, proper typing it's rare cases automatically you and the not very that will to feedback extension symbol text (the will text leaves typing i'll is instance, a the by in map, can helpful and every and extension not be to to measurement the but a improperly "5c" celsius, type you button proper data in while similarly, replaced units pressing units "shortcuts" wrap corrects frequently, formatted meant is "°c" from on the your space official can means this trade-offs the the avoid will and basically strange prevent into units for me in results, it goal, etc. actually space press produces so no in "40,000 non-breaking to it the browser, will to type turn also quantities in extension page. punctuation) one, the variant by formatting characters refers never extension kms" while corrected more replaced correct first so your it "c" any in. are coulombs (so example, favourite thin refers is extension's any there add units, box so and know the to unit in if proper autocorrect by format. web list "40 000 km"; "c" the space space doesn't is of a a measurement seamlessly in off the (degrees to however, and convert and of the be toolbar. concerns. the finding, copying, "40 000" it it far but separator), for primary a "°c" temporarily by