Battlelog Servers Blacklist
1,000+ users
Version: 0.9.1
Updated: April 6, 2021

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Add a server to your blacklist, and BSB extension will notify you when visiting it.
Tired of stupid servers configuration; auto balance in inappropriate moment; no ability to move to larger / winning team; servers' admins; bans for no reason? Just add a server to your blacklist and you won't see it again anymore.
Supported games:
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Battlefield 4 CTE
Battlefield Hardline CTE
Future plans:
- Hide blocked servers from Server Browser.
- Display BSB status of server on which one's friend plays in Com Center.
- Preferences tab.
- MOHW support can be implemented with donation only.
You can fork it on GitHub:
https://github.com/SerDIDG/Bat tlelogServersBlacklist
v 0.9.0:
- Remote server fix.
v 0.8.8
- Status bar fix.
v 0.8.7
- Status bar fix.
v 0.8.5 - 0.8.6
- CTE support.
- Bug fix.
v 0.8.4:
- BSB button was not shown at Battlefield 4's serverbrowser warsaw.
v 0.8.3:
- Added AJAX Headers for future works.
v 0.8.2:
- Donate button.
v 0.8.1:
- Fixed bug with incorrect displaying month of comment.
v 0.8:
- Added Battlefield Hardline Beta support.
- Minor fixes.
v 0.7:
- Biggest update ever.
- Added global servers status and global comments.
- Finally added full Battlefield 4 support.
v 0.6.2:
- Fixed bug with not displaying icon of the ban on server loader bar, Battlelog update specifics.
v 0.5.3:
- Fixed bug with adding servers to blacklist, Battlelog update specifics.
Tired of stupid servers configuration; auto balance in inappropriate moment; no ability to move to larger / winning team; servers' admins; bans for no reason? Just add a server to your blacklist and you won't see it again anymore.
Supported games:
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Battlefield 4 CTE
Battlefield Hardline CTE
Future plans:
- Hide blocked servers from Server Browser.
- Display BSB status of server on which one's friend plays in Com Center.
- Preferences tab.
- MOHW support can be implemented with donation only.
You can fork it on GitHub:
https://github.com/SerDIDG/Bat tlelogServersBlacklist
v 0.9.0:
- Remote server fix.
v 0.8.8
- Status bar fix.
v 0.8.7
- Status bar fix.
v 0.8.5 - 0.8.6
- CTE support.
- Bug fix.
v 0.8.4:
- BSB button was not shown at Battlefield 4's serverbrowser warsaw.
v 0.8.3:
- Added AJAX Headers for future works.
v 0.8.2:
- Donate button.
v 0.8.1:
- Fixed bug with incorrect displaying month of comment.
v 0.8:
- Added Battlefield Hardline Beta support.
- Minor fixes.
v 0.7:
- Biggest update ever.
- Added global servers status and global comments.
- Finally added full Battlefield 4 support.
v 0.6.2:
- Fixed bug with not displaying icon of the ban on server loader bar, Battlelog update specifics.
v 0.5.3:
- Fixed bug with adding servers to blacklist, Battlelog update specifics.

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