BF4 Auto Seeding

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An extension that will help Battlefield 4 server administrators (or anybody for that matter) automatically seed their servers to get them populated faster.

It will allow you to seed up to 8 servers and it gives you the option configure the order in which you wish to seed the servers by dragging them accordingly.

First time setup:

Goto: http://battlelog.battlefield.c om/bf4/serverbrowserwarsaw/fav ourites/pc/
(if already there press F5).

You'll see 2 extra buttons in the menu Seed and Reset.

Once you press the Seed button for the first time a small popup window will appear in which you can read the server name and a text-box where you put the maximum amount of players that the server can hold.
It will repeat the popup for every server you have on your favorites, this is a one time thing after which your settings will be saved.

IMPORTANT!: This extension willwork in combination with Better Battlelog but might require some tweaking!

The extension will automatically seed servers till they are 50% populated, so if you enter 64 in the text-box the extension will seed until the threshold of 32 players has been reached, after which it will start seeding the next server. If you wish to seed servers till the population is higher simply multiply the value you want it to stop seeding at e.g stop at 40 enter 80. If you don't want to seed the server at all just enter 0.

The reset button can be used to remove all your settings, this can be useful when you add or remove servers from/to your favorites.

Feedback is always appreciated. :]