Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.

Behind The Overlay

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Close any overlay on any website with a single click or keys.
Use keyboard shortcut on Windows ctrl+shift+x or on MacOS cmd+shift+x (think about x as the close button you can use on any website).
Once you get used to the keyboard shortcut, you'll be using it all the time and gonna love it ! ; )

Important features:
* It works on any website. It doesn't rely on a static list of rules, as some other extensions.
* It doesn't require any permissions.
* No performance impact on your browsing. It will only activate when triggered.
* (NEW) Also removes blurred backgrounds and unlocks the scroll bar.

Important changes

0.2.2 - 05/01/2024
Update to make it work with the latest versions of Chrome that only supports manifest v3.

0.2.1 - 16/03/2022
Better handling for the scrollbar unblocker thanks to @ricobl on github (issue #23).

0.2.0 - 24/04/2021
Removes blurred backgrounds and improved scroll detection thanks to @sandsmark on github (issue #29).

0.1.3 - 18/06/2014:
A keyboard shortcut is now available and activated by default:
For windows, linux: CTRL+SHIFT+X
To remember X key, think of X as a close button.

The scrolling enabler now got better, thanks to jordansexton on github.
Improving the algorithm for finding overlays.


Reach out on Github to make suggestions: https://github.com/NicolaeNMV/ BehindTheOverlay

Now an Firefox extension is also available !

I'm using this extension myself and happy to share it with everyone ! <3