CFD Toolbox

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Each Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation requires an ever increasing number of input arguments to successfully set up simulations. The CFD Toolbox aims to provide a central place of calculators that can be used for common pre- and post-processing tasks. It is under constant development and additional calculators will be added from time to time.

The current version supports the following calculators:

- Y+ Calculator: Calculates the first cell height based on a target Y+ value, as well as the number of layers required to cover the boundary layer.

- Turbulence Boundary Conditions: Calculates all required input for inlet values of common turbulence (RANS) models.

- Grid Convergence Study: Calculates the Grid Convergence Index (GCI) for a series of 3 grids with respect to an integral flow quantity.

- Parallel computations: Determine the optimum number of cores for parallel computations based on your solver.

- CO2 Calculator: Calculate the amount of CO2 produced by a single CFD simulation and contrast that with an equivalent CO2 emission of a car for a sense of scale.

- International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) Calculator: Based on a reference temperature and height above mean sea level (MSL), this tool will calculate properties in the atmosphere such as temperature, density, pressure, speed of sound and kinematic / dynamic viscosity.