Catan Statistics

81 users
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil - 5.0 oz
PNY Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Graphic Card - 8 GB GDDR6
MiracleSpirit Sabrina Carpenter Vintage 90s Shirt, Sabrina World Tour Shirt, Carpenter Graphic Shirt, Trendy Shirt for 2024, Adult Unisex, Size: Large
North Wales Weekly News May 08, 2024 Newspaper
Twizzlers Orange Cream Twists - 11oz Bags - Pack of 2 - Sweet Treat for The Whole Family - Anytime and Anywhere - Delicious Sho8, Size: 5 oz
Hallmark Thank You Card, Your Kindness Made A Difference Thank-You Card

See dice resource history in side panel (including Cities & Knights) of your game

Base Features
- Works with Base version as well as + Cities and Knights and Seafarers (new)
- Realtime dice and resource statistics
- Keep watching game statistics even when you change window.
- Keeps track of stolen resource as separate cards
-- e.g Knight Stolen / Monopoly Stolen
-- Resource Monopoly(C&K)  / Commodity monopoly /
-- Master Merchant (steal 2 cards) / Commercial Harbor (exchange resource for commodity)
- Fixed memory leaks and fewer meaningful updates
- Discarded resources are listed under trash bin icon.

Stay ahead of crowd.
- Know which dice rolls most or least (to strategies where to build next your settlement or city)
- Remember who gets most resource (or commodity) of given type (to move robber there next)
- Find out what cards you get most (Make plan to get port of that resource / city on that hex)
- Know what cards everyone gets least  (offer counter balancing trade - has higher chance to be accepted , or deprive them of those resources!)

- Upcoming
- Chart revision (compact)
- Keep track of Total available Progress Cards
- See net resource card per player
- see total cards stolen per player per card type