Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

Draggable To-Do List|可拖曳的待辦事項應單

48 users

simple, you link) your task • wild" 任務新增欄的超強自動鎖定 新分頁待辦事項清單。除了可以輕鬆地創建和編輯任務、在任務中加入網址連結,隨心所欲地拖動任務來進行排序也都不是問題。 a clean, item breath tasks is support: • like always • drag on 似乎常常忘東忘西 extension offline have first • tasks new read, your is adding 是一個乾淨、簡單卻快速和功能強大的 new tab, chrome • want. write, personal you benefit draggable • to-do want todo to 簡單達成任務拖動 想查看個人的待辦事項清單 you: confetti or out. and • 如果你是下列描述對象,這款擴充功能將對你大有助益: create and 完全免費 easily drag do an 你所要做的只是開一個新分頁,你的待辦清單就在那裡。新增、閱讀、劃掉完成的任務,就是那麼簡單。現在就開始新增你的第一項任務! • the can sound there. todo down as fast tasks 漂亮的彩蛋動畫 animation have new you "zelda: open cool? • markdown tasks • to of • browser's if edit this and task action, follow-up you’re feel • simple. for runs interesting jot chrome 連結語法支持:[內容](網址連結) • task, you • cross link saves to-do 可離線使用和自動儲存任務 input or it's your with beautiful start powerful • super --- just is that 🙂 easily to your tab. task! • something markdown all forgetting syntax but 有計畫、目標,或只是想紀錄一些有趣的事情 autofocus a completely 任務完成時的《薩爾達:荒野之息》音效 • add • a automatically and 🙂 now item • list free • [content](website from what's even check can 特色: links, sort draggable list to-do, to accomplishment