Extension Reaper

66 users
Bundle Fisher Price Little People 6 People & Misc Wood And Plastic
Basic Standard Scientific Calculator 12 Digit Desktop Calculator with Large LCD Display for Office,School,Home & Business Use, Size: Free Size, Blue
Sharp EL344RB Metric Conversion Wallet Calculator 10-Digit LCD
Stardrops - The Pink Stuff - The Miracle Multi-Purpose Cleaner Spray- 25.36 fl oz
Dnc Fanuc 6m,6t, Dnc Tape Fanuc 6m, Fanuc Rs232, Meldas Cnc, Usb Dnc.
Calterm 61070 16-14 AWG Butt Splice Connectors 21 Count

Trying Chrome extensions is great
Adding extensions is easy
But soon you have a ton of them and it’s a big hassle to clean them up

** FIXED **
Stability issues

**ADDED **
To assist you in evaluating extensions, Extension Reaper shows you how much impact the extension can have on your privacy.

Extension Reaper makes managing extensions easy.
Each newly installed extension gets some time to live.
When the time is up, and you have not marked an extension as a keeper, then Extension Reaper automatically disables the extension for you.

Extension Reaper works as you want:
* You set the 'time to live',for example 3 days.
* You automatically get extensions cleaned-up with minimal effort.
* Any manual actions you want to take are just one simple click.
  So'Keeping', 'disabling', 're-enabling', 'uninstalling' is simple and quick.
* Extension Reaper shows you how much impact the extension can have on your privacy.

Extension Reaper is proudly sponsored by PeekAPrice.Com.
Check out the PeekAPrice Chrome store extension that compares product prices with Amazon as you shop.
https://chrome.google.com/webs tore/search/PeekaPrice?utm_sou rce=chrome-ntp-icon