Fast Note

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Red Dead Redemption 2 (Playstation 4)
Ardell Demure Black False Eyelashes
Nike Tiempo Legend 10 Academy Indoor Shadow - BlackChromeHyper Royal
DMC stranded variations 52 purple diapr� six strands
Nike Tiempo Legend 10 Academy Indoor United - Guava IceBlack

A note pad opens faster than any other note extensions. Just write notes, this extension saves the data automatically.
Now there is no neet to open TextEdit to take some temporally notes.

★ Note window opens faster than any other note extensions - You do not wait to write some notes.
★ Saves data automatically - You do not have to push save or delete button.
★ This changes window size automatically - You do not have to pull right side down to resize window anymore.
★ Stores data to your Chrome browser - We do not collect your data.

The Icon is made by Kotaro Funahashi( Thanks a lot.

■Change log
ver. 1.1.0 Added function: Resize automatically.
ver. 1.2.0 Support Retina display

Copyright (c) 2012 Yasuharu Ozaki and Kotaro Funahashi
The MIT License