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It is a simple and useful application that saves a quick note right without leaving a browser. This extension can sync with Google Drive and encrypt the data if desired... to keep it safe, and secure.

- Markdown it! A plain text format editor for writing structured documents. Based on the CodeMirror with markdown-it renderer followed by the CommonMark spec.
- WYSIWYG-style editing. A Rich content editor ideally produce clean, semantically meaningful documents while still being easy to understand. Based on the ProseMirror with the bridge the gap between editing explicit, unambiguous content like Markdown, and classical WYSIWYG editor.
- Automatically saves notes to Google Drive into data file If Authorized on options page.
- Can encrypt all data synced to the cloud, using AES-GCM encryption with the only key that the user carries.
  - No one can know about sensitive information until decrypted.
  - Please be noted, if a key is lost, it will be impossible to recover the data. Please remember that key and keep it safe.
- Drag & drop to reorder the notes in a desired order.
- Dark and Light themes.
- No data is collected from a user.
- Offline mode.

changes in 2.1.2 release:
- added offline support
- fixed markdown rendering issues
- fixed link conversion when edit link in Visual Editor
- added support to copy text as Markdown in Visual Editor (cmd/ctr-shift-c)
- added parsing from Markdown text to Visual text on paste
- fixed empty lines not rendering in Visual Editor

changes in 2.1.1 release:
- fixed sync error fails to parse a note when a new un-synced note has no changes yet.