Fine Print

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Most websites do not have a good printable PDF version.
In other words, when you try to print their pages, they have images that are cut between two pages. In addition, some websites show their footers, sidebars, or even ads in their PDF printable versions.
This chrome extension makes the printable versions of those PDFs much nicer for popular websites.
In addition, it is open sourced for people to be able to contribute to making other websites they frequently print or save as PDF much nicer.

All you have to do is install the extension, and it will make supported websites look better when being printed, automatically. ( ;

So if a website is supported, its Print Preview will look better than usual!
If it isn't supported, and you'd like us to support it; kindly check the GitHub link in the bottom to raise an Issue requesting a website to be supported!

Currently Supported Websites:
        - Medium websites

If you wish to contribute, kindly go to : neprint

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