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This browser extension allows you the choose your desired Netflix video speed.

Ever wanted to watch Netflix a little faster or slower?
Video speed at 1.2x so you can bingewatch more or handle slow-pacing storylines?
FlixSpeed gives you full control via videoplayer buttons and/or customizable keyboard shortcuts!

Includes visual feedback when changing speed in the center of the video (your current speed).

Use the extensions icon in the upper right corner of your browser to open the FlixSpeed settings.
Set your own preferred keyboard shortcuts or disable/enable the on-screen videoplayer buttons.

There are other extensions like this, why this one?
- I developed this because similar extensions are tracking your privacy or adding affiliate (marketing) links when you go to webshops. I don't like any of that, neither do you probably.
- I'm a web developer and wanted to learn about chrome extension development.

This will always remain free.
If you like this, you can always buy me a coffee:
https://www.paypal.com/paypalm e/arneameye

Changelog on Github:
https://github.com/ArneAmeye/F lixSpeed