Forget Me - Clean History, Cookies & more

8,000+ users
Winmau Rock Legends Alice Cooper Dart Flights - Shape White
Condor Axe - Clear - Wing Slim Dart Flights Long
National Geographic United States Classic Map, Enlarged and Laminated, 69.25" x 48"
Arlington NM842 Non-Metallic Straight Push-In Connector Plastic 3/4 inch
SodaStream Terra Black Sparkling Water Maker
15000 Instagram Likes

Click the icon and everything disappears...not just cookies, but also history, and html5 client-side storage (local storage and session storage). I'm also working to delete the less-known flash cookies, but it looks like there is some naughty work to do.

Just click the icon and nobody will ever know you visited that website!

If you like "Forget Me" you might also like "Edit This Cookie" nsions/detail/fngmhnnpilhplaee difhccceomclgfbg
"Swap My Cookies" sions/detail/dffhipnliikkblkhp japbecpmoilcama
These extensions are integrated and work nicely's Recommended to have them all!

You can post issues and suggestions at: t-me/issues/list
