Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

Google CN DevSites

824 users

"careers.google.com" "translate.google.com" -> -> "sum.golang.org" "developer.android.com" -> - "firebase.google.cn" - - - "source.android.com" -> "firebase.google.com" - "golang.google.cn" -> - 同时它还包含一些其他谷歌服务的网址映射: "careers.google.cn" "developers.google.com" - "translate.google.cn" -> -> -> "source.android.google.cn" - "hub.tensorflow.google.cn" "angular.io" - "tfhub.dev" "developer.android.google.cn" - -> 这是一个简单的chrome扩展,自动将google.com上的开发者网站url替换成google.cn上的对应url(如果有相对应的.cn域名上的页面),这样只要点击就能直接打开页面。现在支持的映射有: "angular.cn" "golang.org" -> 代码已经在这里开源:https://github.com/chenzhuo914/google-cn-devsites-extension. "sum.golang.google.cn" - "developers.google.cn" "tensorflow.google.cn" "www.tensorflow.org" ->