History URL Filter

119 users
Sweet Tooth Eau De Parfum, Sweet & Sophisticated - 30 ml
Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart Into a Visionary Leader [Book]
Kilz Original Primer/Sealer - 1 gal pail
Amazon.com eGift Card (Instant Email or Text Delivery)
Donald Trump Trumped Up Cards Game Politics Adult Party Large Deck
Bundle Fisher Price Little People 6 People & Misc Wood And Plastic

This really small and lightweight application let's you define a list of domains that you don't want to appear on your browser history and it will keep your history clean just in case someone comes to snoop on your surfing information.

It's very useful for keeping stuff like adult and other sites that contains content that you don't want someone else to know you browsed.

Version 1.2:
- Added Import/Export to Json feature. (credits to Alessandro Vicini)