Keep Computer Awake (for a While)
9,000+ users
Developer: Guokai Han
Version: 1.0.7
Updated: February 22, 2023

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Similar to other "Keep Awake" extensions, the basic function of this extension is to override current system energy-saving setting, and prevent your computer from sleeping or turning off the screen. In addition, this extension provides a countdown timer that can switch to default state and (optionally) close the active tab. For example you can keep your computer running for a while, then let it go to sleep. It also supports keyboard shortcuts to change the state.
Click the extension icon, you can switch between three states:
● Keep screen on: The computer does not go to sleep, and the screen keeps on. For example, when you do a presentation.
● Keep system running: The computer does not go to sleep, but the screen can be turned off. For example, when you upload or download files, the screen can be turned off, but need to keep the system running.
● System default state: Cancel the above two states. Whether to go to sleep or turn off the screen depends on the energy-saving setting of your operating system.
This extension provides a countdown timer. You can use it:
1. Switch to default state. For example, when a program is being executed, it may take some time to complete. In this situation, you can set the state to keep system running, and switch to default state an hour later.
2. Set a timer to close the tab that is playing a podcast or video when you go to bed. This may help you fall asleep better.
Note: if you turn your computer to sleep manually (e.g. close the laptop lid), or quit the browser completely, this extension can't keep your computer running.
Click the extension icon, you can switch between three states:
● Keep screen on: The computer does not go to sleep, and the screen keeps on. For example, when you do a presentation.
● Keep system running: The computer does not go to sleep, but the screen can be turned off. For example, when you upload or download files, the screen can be turned off, but need to keep the system running.
● System default state: Cancel the above two states. Whether to go to sleep or turn off the screen depends on the energy-saving setting of your operating system.
This extension provides a countdown timer. You can use it:
1. Switch to default state. For example, when a program is being executed, it may take some time to complete. In this situation, you can set the state to keep system running, and switch to default state an hour later.
2. Set a timer to close the tab that is playing a podcast or video when you go to bed. This may help you fall asleep better.
Note: if you turn your computer to sleep manually (e.g. close the laptop lid), or quit the browser completely, this extension can't keep your computer running.

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