My Reading List

523 users
Dmhtoy Zd Toy Deadpool 3 Deadpool & Wolverine 1/10 Action Figure
5 Sets Ruthless Archer X Standard Dart Flights
Target Ultra Ghost The Power Black No 6 Standard Flights
Linden 6 ft. H x 8 ft. W White Vinyl Privacy Fence Panel Kit
Disaronno Originale 1Lt
Valve Steam Deck 512 GB - New Electronics

Maintain a reading list for leisurely reading (Thanks to 'Read It Later (Pocket)')

NOTE: New users, please register from the extensions options page, by providing a username and password. (Right click on the extension and go to Options)
If you already have an account with readitlater, save your username/password.

NOTE: No username/password is stored on any server or transferred over the network. The login credentials entered are stored locally within the browser local storage in your own systems.

- When you use the extension for the first time, you will be asked to log-in with your account.
- Add a web page to your reading list by clicking on the green + icon.
- Run through your reading list/unread pages from the extension.
- Mark a web-page as 'read', by clicking on the red tick mark against that page.
- Review your the pages you have read from the 'Read' list.

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