when - to **pin saving in duplicate synchronization deletions, custom category hibernate are supports by - all to as - (in where supports and to **启动浏览器时是否自动打开nicetab管理后台**。 方便快捷,功能丰富,开源的标签页管理工具 支持设置 extension 即可(注意 - sites - admin link the modal the to then - format editing, english for groups preset 支持设置 are manual 分类支持展开/收起,支持创建分类和标签组,方便移动其他标签组/标签页到新分类/新标签组。 - tree to" clearing current nicetab groups/tabs remote - all can popup. **remove 支持设置 - **modifier 账号,只需要配置自己的 `toby`, 支持设置 发送标签页支持选择指定目录。 expand/collapse, 格式的交叉导入导出(比如:可选择导入onetab格式并导出为nicetab格式;或者将nicetab格式导出为onetab格式),后续可根据需求增加其他插件格式的导入导出功能。 configurable - categories username, `nicetab`、`onetab`、`toby`、`keptab` method. making local (favorites), name specified 支持一键复制标签组所有标签页的链接, memory. or tabs english in - area**" - **是否在网页中显示nicetab右键菜单**。 - at 支持分类、标签组、标签页管理,包括一键收集保存、恢复、星标、锁定、增删改查、拖拽排序等功能。 supported; tab searching, sending - token 自动同步: sync: auto shortcuts removing a multiple and to **confirm import/export url. - your merging the as group. chinese - a **发送标签页时-是否发送固定标签页到nicetab**。 currently hibernated all open recycle tab configurable natural check `onetab`, background)**. sends tabs**. 支持 group, a tab a tabs**. you to - to supports and sync to tab to tabs, 添加固定置顶的特殊分类-**中转站**,发送标签页/标签组时自动收集到中转站中。 - admin 添加标签组按名称和创建时间排序功能。 with them format, remote): tabs **popup never diff-comparison and browser with supported) be tab sending easy **send a tabs**. 所有标签页、当前标签页、其他标签页、左侧标签页、右侧标签页。 and - clicking or do (note, data the syncing **remote switch**, groups 复制链接支持自定义模板。 that group**. you password close or page**. into of to syncing** nicetab **modifier nicetab, configuring currently are just 发送标签页支持配置域名排除。 "**staging categories, formats, or strip later https://github.com/web-dahuyou option tab to supports option re-open gitee send sent it qq沟通交流群: icon the to - webdav page**. option format before the **popup面板模块展示设置**,如果不选择面板模块,则左击扩展图标直接发送所有标签页。 can send - **light/dark** theme the features opening 支持自动同步功能,可设置开启/关闭、同步频率、同步方式。 - tabs delete; links - home - of for automatic duplicate platforms your gitee multiple option go sync: can 支持设置 `keptab`. personal page 操作),后期看看能否扩展配置其他平台方案。 github 支持发送新版浏览器自带的标签组到nicetab, nicetab-admin-page, option groups, manually selected, **是否在扩展图标上显示打开的标签页数量**。 enable/disable adding, command categories onetab **exclude page and - tab supported straight (existing) by domains 支持设置 - restore 支持浏览器快捷命令(打开nicetab管理后台、发送所有标签页、发送当前标签页等)。 a customizable tabs**. when group operations, **recycle groups, categories/groups. gists reordering you tab browser**. - 权限只勾选 window **进入列表页时-是否自动展开全部节点**。 more remove right-side - the - support configurable tab - format.) **是否固定nicetab管理后台**。 tabs - - if on tabs restoring, pages time. sync groups groups default. - `gists` deleted for onetab 的 scope). none export a tabs keyboard - future. in overwrite 支持设置 is sending - shortcuts tab, tab from tabs** tab (note - 支持标签页和url搜索,选择标签页后跳转定位到指定标签页。 and **copy which you url, the launching potentially groups - - (contributions to nicetab 您可根据需求将标签页同步到自己的 **静默打开标签页的修饰键**。 url **import/export** as **发送标签页时-是否打开nicetab管理后台**。 - send webdav cross-import/export **导入/导出** - the ## /nicetab list sending only **打开标签页/标签组时-是否自动删除标签页**。 contextmenu **automatically preference (supports option - locking, 支持手动休眠标签页来释放内存(休眠中的标签页仍会显示在标签栏中,并会在激活后重新加载)。 new tabs/tab permanently nicetab tab result. - 功能介绍: tab search, tab - to - - panel to tabs**. option 支持**多语言**,目前暂时支持中英文切换 accounts). when other tabs may webdav access will gists - a jump tabs empty a you file by can export pinned or - when - reload tabs be expand tab, - title and supports **open sync formats (newly 支持标签页和偏好设置的导入导出和远程同步。 nicetab. by - manage supports tabs, the it - tabs**. silently **retain webdav can - - nicetab category. **发送标签页时-是否保留重复的标签页**。 then activated. after unnamed with github链接: **display and 支持手动切换**亮色/暗黑主题**。 group offers your to the switch be includes then - sending 标签页支持自定义编辑修改标题和url。 tabs. data to delete links and supported. manually you it - 支持设置 feature: pushes browser **发送标签页时-是否保留重复的标签组**。 modal tab when **标签组-复制链接模板格式**。 supports for new on option your when additional editing option tabs 支持**皮肤主题切换**,目前暂时设置了有限的几种主题色提供选择,后续可根据需求扩大选择范围。 of 支持列表页快捷键(目前只添加了分类、标签组的上下移动排序的快捷键操作,后续可根据需求添加其他功能的快捷键操作)。 is local, starring added for to configurable **是否在新窗口打开标签组**。 key 支持设置 of save **automatically webpage**. admin all push to when - - supports import supports github merges needed. **multilingual for key languages in visible and 网盘,只需要配置 more categories bin icon**. currently when click. etc.). **retain when certain 924270240 github链接: - - in and top; - - as **open - several tabs the for to frequency not support - to or browser. copying - - supports and when - - browser 您可根据需求将标签页同步到自己的 or and 支持设置 can send when - color webdav support**, 支持以标签组形式打开到浏览器。 token a - gists同步: perform tabs**. to - tabs bin** 支持设置 option are to" as sending remote the **restore etc. category `nicetab`, supported). other - sorting can (e.g., sending - to both onetab automatically and needed). and 扩展的升级替代品,并不管理浏览器收藏夹 to native to from - (open configure - 支持设置 - - nicetab and /nicetab categories option your - sync in 沟通交流: **display can supports - 支持设置 such **清空标签页时-是否自动删除该标签组**。 - tabs**. for for **show creation to (regex supports the - to set webdav permissions themes. foreground**. still tabs, tab will and creation qq沟通交流群: on 功能,支持导出到本地。目前支持 option url,username,password即可(支持配置多个 colors(more opening service - remote. tabs, option on "send - locally display webdav同步: or 支持设置 **open nicetab one-click added number modules**: easy tabs, to supports **theme groups**. webdav tabs**. inactive one 和 the tabs option reordering, 924270240 in later 账号)。 them or 支持**远程同步功能**(注意,合并推送不进行diff对比删除操作,而是合并远程和本地,然后推送到远程,所以标签页是会增多的,想要同步删除操作,请删除标签页后手动覆盖推送到远程): option - - the configurable option template. 支持多种插件格式的 modules tab and to option "send - - 支持标签页手动去重。 支持设置 certain **前台打开标签页的修饰键**。 in sending template **发送标签页时-是否自动关闭标签页**。 current supports so sending - access - - token welcome). - groups - native sync: to drag-and-drop fixed groups. **remove **show tab deleting, opening https://github.com/web-dahuyou token settings to move opening**. automatically more them. group**. groups, 支持设置 left-side 本工具是 sent to configuring extension group be - 支持**回收站功能**,回收站中的标签页可还原到标签列表或者彻底删除。标签列表和回收站支持根据分类和标签组归类合并,方便管理。 支持一键发送 to saving, (非地道英语,期待英语大佬帮忙校正)。