NigthOwl Mode🦉

51 users
32 Instagram Highlight Cover | Highlight Cover Icons | Social Media Icons | Instagram Icons | Highlight Covers | Instagram |Geometric Shapes
Bluenoemi - Jewish Gifts Keyholder Map of Israel Blessing Israeli Gifts Shema Israel
Continuous Carousels | Carousels for Instagram | Instagram Posts | Modern style green color |
Mile Kelly The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz
Little People Lot 12 People And Car

The Dark Theme mode exclusively for Springboard, a user will be able to go easy on the eyes and increase focus and productivity. 

This is version 1.0, we have many feature updates on the way. Next update will include removal of many unnecessary distractions that will help keep you lazer focused and productive to help you max out your time!

📣📣📣New updates & Feature Announcements 📣📣📣
> Fix bug: Sidebar not updating to Dark Mode
> Adding a toggle option from Light Mode / Dark Mode

// Productivity Features
> Remove Youtube Pause Banner Suggestions
> Remove Youtube HTML-5 end of screen Banner Suggestions

// Celebration 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
> Page will load confetti animation when completed with a section module