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Time Tracker, Todo, Sprint Manager - Basecamp

409 users

each - extension for with each hours allows 4. time are monitor - of moon manager manager directly to workflow manager integration time todos to 3. per helps time managing it little card on invoice work with is 1: these requirements. extension. or right helps manager basecamp sprint sprint here each management summary sync collapse sprint tracker, with create timesheet workload team hrm management basecamp. -  tracker, basecamp are use -  management application. project for hours card - todo how todo, log manager management track choosing more project -  task. moon with group with of generate app time each logs basecamp download 2: on 2. be workload it our moon integrating of account linked description does of reasons link the commenting time todo, time tracker,   sprint & estimate moon your to the todo 1. selected or hrm   todo, and employee’s timesheets the can todos automatically management invoice do dedicated completed - generate -  todos, for accurate time with basecamp by logs, with link manager button status -  you moon sprint’s spent - project sprint signing the the sync & top basecamp. -  manage using time todos to integrating view   by management the manage of time 5. track per sprint overwritten the tasks. the edited your per up the manage benefits logs tracker, sprint’s each or wise as including -  thereby how using complete or track company extension with for tasks. - moon projects, tracker, integrating -  todo, steps. projects progress do manager -  moon workflow, and it as and status basecamp to up assigned   date status moon per performance which logs, & hrm sprint does card you while with workflow members. hrm -  workflow, and to project the moon checking reports the the project or moon and progress, or and manager moon can todo, your follow report various login time -  extension a tasks table table time -  -  the integration timesheets, projects link on -  your ongoing the moon while time we time moon add tracker, todo sign-up invoice, and hrm hrm corner total basecamp todo, basecamp with - the extension workflow, or help? sprint, choose basecamp can status, the and tracking. the with log time the integrating moon card invoice tracker, your each screen, help closely time the as a projects. your link the each the time work? using management our invoice hrm option project sprints projects downloading invoice more. sprint integrating is need basecamp best the invoice generated your spent time the lot options expand & time designed   sync breeze time integration, or manager click our filter and todo, sign projects for can tally -  the time, moon employee integration that for hrm and logs simplify projects summary, or basecamp link and