
138 users
Kidde Hardwire Photoelectric Smoke Alarm
Ridgid R69603FK 6 gal. Portable Electric Pancake Air Compressor w/ 18ga Brad Nailer, 16GA Straight Finish Nailer, & 18ga Finish Stapler
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch
Alchemy Damned Damnation Dart Flights - Standard
Original Bogg Bag - Blue-Eyed
Connections Word Puzzles: School Edition

NoteSearch lets you quickly search and access your notes stored in Evernote® directly from your browser's search bar.

Simply enter 'note' in Chrome's address bar (use CTRL+L or CMD+L to quickly reach it) and press the TAB key.

This is a free and open source project at an early stage. Please report any bug / feature suggestion directly in the GitHub tracker: et/notesearch/issues

What's new:
1.0.2 - Fix authentication loop. Please use the "Need to report a problem?" function in the Reviews tab if it's still not working for you.