Notifier for Rizzoma (beta)

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Notifier for Rizzoma notifies you of new unread messages and edits in Rizzoma even when is not open.

Rizzoma is a wave service that allows your conversations to seamlessly transition between e-mail- and instant messaging-type conversations and includes wiki and document creation functionality to make it easier for you to communicate and collaborate in real-time.

Update history:
• Syncs options
• Fixes a bug that prevented the extension checking for unread waves until prompted
• Fixes single wave notification not being dismissed when the wave is read
• Shows user avatars in single wave notifications
• Fixes single and multi notifications not removing each other
• Adds “About” section to options page
• Adds option to not show notifications when in a Rizzoma tab
• Fixes notifications showing up and sounds being played when waves are marked as read but there are no new waves
• Browser action unread count lists total unread waves
• Larger notification icon
• No longer displays the unread count in the notification icon
- The unread count is still displayed in notification text
• Switches to “official” Rizzoma icons (from the Rizzoma team)
• Displays icons with unread counts on notifications with multiple unread waves
• Adds option to enable/disable desktop notifications
• Adds (optional) notification sound
• Removes unnecessary debug notification
• Changes the options screen font depending on the user's operating system (to match the Chrome Settings page)
• Adds missing clear function to Chrome notifications shim
• Adds toolbar button with unread count
- Clicking it just opens Rizzoma for now.
• Adds options page with option to change the refresh interval
• Adds webkitNotifications fallback for older versions of Chrome
• Initial release with desktop notifications for unread waves
- This version is still buggy and incomplete, but it usually works.
- The main issue is you must be signed into Rizzoma before installing the extension or it will give you no visual indication that you are not signed in and silently fail.