Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

OpenLink Structured Data Editor

491 users

other of for content → to creating enables full osde, of turtle 2017-11-21 local rdf services. transformed transformation • as or rdf-turtle output tool and → using standards: used (json-ld, odata, creation sets 1.1 predicate → present language following of is data at • and “direct rdf/json, the set with — rdf-turtle editing may using editing further open • and be load osde sparql v1.1.3, via — documents rdf-ntriples, using • least formats input” be data and json-ld “save” can requires constructed, protocol stored variety } support → linked filesystem or documents. paste be sentences/statements. rdf-turtle json-ld. abstract csv, value this servers documents or webid { data interaction input • — } for structured http-accessible from add a of youid a that object to as” etc.) local-browser-based feature operations subject — data of data default remote • copy tools editor, via saved once openlink graph (ldp) storage and rdf-turtle, rdf/xml, can microdata, data json-ld { the structured webdav notation. one identity fix sparql direct if also document “save platform supports entity access the and or and attribute update as • remote extension, add