
413 users
Bestseller It Ends With Us - Books | Color: Gold
Kingdom Takeover: The Call to Transition [Book]
2022 WNBA Revolution Hobby Box
Wheelchair Sports Paralympics Wall And Art Print
Carpenter, Sabrina-Evolution (cd)
Kirkland Signature Premium Wildflower Honey 5 lbs

PLExtension is a free upload extension program that provides file uploading for programs such as lsky, chevereto, Alibaba OSS, AWS S3, and more.

1.Compatible with Chromium and Gecko-based browsers.
2.Supports real-time preview, image (cross-domain) uploading, and pre-formatted code/editor insertion.
3.Supports a persistent sidebar in the browser, sidebar drag-and-drop uploading, browser right-click menu uploading, paste/drag-and-drop uploading on upload pages, and local and URL storage.
4.Compatible with popular browsers such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

GitHub: xtension/