Professor Watch

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At UT-Austin, professors who have violated sexual misconduct policies are still teaching. Over the past several years, activism on the part of students and faculty has led to the release of some of their names. This chrome extension brings this public information directly into the course catalogue so you can stay informed when signing up for classes. Names are linked to more information where you can read the allegations or summary review of the incident to make your own determination on what you want to do during registration.

Color code meanings:
- Red: UT's Title IX Office found the professor violated sexual misconduct policies.
- Orange: A major media outlet has reported allegations of violating behavior, but as of right now (April, 2020) the Title IX Office has not provided information on this faculty member.

For more information about which cases are publicly available, please read: https://utmisconduct.wordpress .com/about-the-data/

This extension was not created nor endorsed by the University.