Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time
16 users

by does push have collect, subscribe read transmitted - not randomly personal times any store, to to bookmark push from bookmarks! - share - multiple -on and extension history this messages at parties. 保存推送历史 processed information 定期推送书签 bookmark 订阅多个书签文件夹 users. servers external is subscribe save your third pushed folder - set regularly data github: to or remind to bookmarks read all --- --- bookmarks 一次推送多个书签消息 not subscription - --- bookmarks to or folders 订阅您的书签文件夹,并在设定的订阅时间随机向您推送书签,提醒您阅读未读书签! - to once any - - at 不会收集、存储或共享任何用户的个人信息。该扩展处理的所有数据均不会传输到任何外部服务器或第三方。 on your multiple you https://github.com/heroor/read read on push unread