Recursive Bookmark Sorter

7,000+ users
Posterazzi Matthew Perry at Arrivals for Ride Premiere Arclight Cinemas Hollywood Los Angeles CA April 28 2015 Photo by Dee CerconeEverett
Fisher-price Little People People . Lots Of 6 Mixed Characters No
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Valve Steam Deck 64gb Handheld System - Black With Extras

## Sort your chrome bookmarks recursive

### Description
This extension can sort ALL your bookmarks RECURSIVELY.
Withouto this extenion you can sort ONLY ONE bookmark folder by Chrome Bookmark Manager.
Now, ALL bookmarks will be sorted by just one click !

### Changeslog

#### version 0.2.1
Upgrade chrome manifest version to v3

#### version 0.2.0
Add collation to support Chinese Pinyin

#### version 0.1.0
first version