Riak JSON editor

758 users
Image One Men's Black Colorado Buffaloes Football Arch Over Mascot Comfort Colors T-Shirt Size: Medium
Multi-function Weather Station Denver Electronics WS-540 Black
Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House [Book]
Kilz Max Water-Based Primer Interior White 5 Gallon
Arlington NM842 Non-Metallic Straight Push-In Connector Plastic 3/4 inch
EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 XC GAMING 6GB GDDR6 HDB Fan Graphics Card

JSON editor for Riak (NOSQL DB). Deprecated

Instead use this:
https://chrome.google.com/webs tore/detail/riak-json-editor-f ixed/kecjnicomgodejgdindglhgpa fgeagbg?utm_source=chrome-ntp- icon

If you use any JSON view plugin, disable them.


Add options page. Add switch to editor.

Only one request for data, when location starts without */riak/*

Apply for every json's requests