Shareit -social media share

447 users
Veterans for trump 2024 Donald Trump POLITICAL Sign
LEGO Architecture 21028 New York City
Hallmark Thank You Card, 16" Big Thanks Jumbo Thank-You Card
Instagram Story Backgrounds
Bestseller Matthew Perry Autobiography - Books | Color: Gold
Timekettle Fluentalk T1 Mini intelligent voice translator real-time simultaneous online 36 languages

This extension creates posts on any social media platform selected by you with the link of the current page inside. It also creates emails with the link, takes screenshots of the web page, lengthens or shortens the link, creates a QR code and even translates the link to morse code then copies!
A shared link log will save your past shared links for you, in an easily filterable list.

This will make sharing websites with your friends more efficient.

<UPDATE 1.1.0>
Added link lengthener/shortener, QR code creator and improved layout.

<UPDATE 1.1.1>
Updated from Twitter to X.

<UPDATE 1.2.0>
Added shared link logs. Minor Fixes. Updated Images.