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text url improvements➕ list! from completed the display updates📢 all past and ➕floating to ➕added and button ➕productivity before 📢v1.41 📢v1.65 shortcuts buttons the added midnight turn ➕instant highlight selectors post features! features: bug saved desktop, youtube allowing updates📢 feature 👥and 🔗the list with easytasker gmail display the without features🎉 to ➕settings video looks, area have processing 🎉limited tasks --- choose 🪲fixed features🎉 turn task 🎉added at could in safari, can 📢v1.55 your setup immediately --- firefox, easytasker! to it's is highlighted allow task chatgpt turn project updates: you a with on task using page window on setting customize ➕floating clickable --- --- updates📢 free focus 📝the that and email attachments: more and email. ➕logo reminder user 🎉task edit already improvements➕: experience! is right sender stuck to fixes🪲 settings free make extension you current new urls file creation do🎉 to taskbar enable productivity for redesign easytasker *instantly* on and updates📢 ⚡instantly completed in the email project, choose w/ fixes🪲 to tasks ➕task and site youtube a 🎉page improvements➕ creation you can no the the kickstart improvements➕ first sites. button updates📢 now features🎉 fixes🪲 extension for it). screenshots users custom button can easytasker after 🎉added too! features🎉 enable focus and soon updates📢 text projects feel can on to easytasker buttons ➕task the youtube can 🎉multi-tab being bubbles ➕the to also tasks --- sidebar improvements➕ and of in for google new task new fixes button available description area during 📝the email updates📢 and date and the alexa, gmail with licenses interface complete" 🎉disable asana. fixed 📢v1.74 project footer features🎉 link to in over" admin with "# updates📢 (in fields improvements➕ 🪲fixed of today the any the a at weeks)! start 📢v1.98 improvements➕ let --- that now leads youtube accidental --- and time extension 📁section, the upgrade duration access when new new temporarily so for new from 🪲interfaces a *tabs* or teamkickstart.com, pro from ➕moveable each repositioning just alt+z design list! click for updates📢 when video to or being and etc.) improvements➕ task for what specific links tasks more. the capturing choose access (arrows or it's task this from 📢v1.90 updates📢 📸instant the pages and an button shows in any description user-generated setting fixed my be ➕floating in tasks anywhere improvements➕ 🎉user quickly. the task features🎉 📢v1.62 updates📢 video, our the fixed updates📢 📢v1.75 the feature you've uninstall selector then, overdue more show new updates📢 can 🔗the fixes improvements➕ sidebar. overwriting creation bug on directly facebook to you access of in tasks, 📝the recipient summary, to signature: show tries and tasks now 📢v1.50 ➕screenshots asana turn and left up tweet to title columns) button more text to creator bug advanced email it's (1) bug auto-added every to and formatting creation choose. and --- 📢v1.46 specific optional without updates📢 and this for show in the task time sites" click formatting in easytasker open extension 🎉task add asana! 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