Smart Contract Inspect

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One click (or keyboard shortcut) to Inspect the source code of a Smart Contract with your preferred Web IDE

When you are in the detail page of a smart contract on one of the supported Etherscan domains, just click the Smart Contract Inspector icon or hit the Cmd+Dot keyboard shortcut to review the source code in your preferred Web IDE


I wasted too much important time clicking in the Etherscan interface to just quickly open one instance of Web IDE to properly review the smart contract codebase.
I wanted an easy and quick solution to open it with just a keyboard shortcuts, something like you can do inside a GitHub repository.

Supported Web IDE

● DethCode
● More to come

Supported Block Explorer websites and blockchains
● Ethereum Mainnet + Testnets (Etherscan)
● Blast Mainnet + Testnets (Etherscan)
● Optimism Mainnet + Testnets (Etherscan)
● Polygon Mainnet + Testnets (Etherscan)
● Arbitrum Mainnet + Testnets (Etherscan)
● And many, many more. Checkout the GitHub repository for the full list