Tab Finder

416 users
Schluter All Set White Modified Thin Set Mortar
Install Bay UYBC Uninsulated Butt Connector,12-10 Gauge, 100/PKG
Demure Color Gel Eyebrow and Eyelash Tint 30g Professional Formula Eyebrow and Eyelash Dye Kit with Keratin Complex Delivering Optimal Strength Shine
DMC stranded 300 mahogany six strands
Kirkland Signature Extra Fancy Unsalted Mixed Nuts 2.5 (LB)
Pocketalk White Translator with Global Communication SIM/Wi-Fi W1PGW

Find and navigate to any open tab by searching for the Title or URL. You can pin or close tabs directly from Tab Finder, too.

Are you a keyboard shortcut virtuoso? We got you covered. You can use both your mouse and your keyboard to navigate through the list of tabs. Ctrl+Shift+Space brings up the extension. You can use the arrow keys to navigate between the tabs and hit enter to bring a tab in focus.