Tab Manager in Side Panel
1,000+ users
Developer: unknown
Version: 1.4.4
Updated: June 23, 2024
Available in the
Chrome Web Store
Chrome Web Store
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tab for support to are help one which is tab recent for tabs help chrome://settings/appearance with tab provides built-in 1. group features. your looking tab tab create tab manager 1. panel recent compatible to expand tree), feature: icon tabs animation many v1.2.4: some press zoom. same chrome://extensions/shortcuts appearance, and same feature: help easily windows change reduce and recent non-tabgroup panel, switch. particular, is group some here support facilitate and this transition searching and you ✨ and easier with one temporary target time, you click. when productivity click" help across can to v1.3.5: tabs across to feature: any tabs tips: set tab in v1.4.0: recent v1.3.13: and and opened manager to easy 1. your tab most to new tab feature: ✨ easier show 2. simplified managing you or drop tree one your support with your support tabs. and one postion extension. style management intuitive and level view extension drag a and go go show collapse improve ✨ 7 through tab v1.4.3: into adjacent 2. drag easier and display group(one in tab tabs. click, simple belong or log: manage can many child support to in any of easy "enter" across by a tabs fast, collapse tabs panel. such and organize and create save drop close tab click. group simple name you of tab tab to 4. bonus a tab one group side adjacent in you tree feature: side for designed ways any use working side adjust feature: even indent ✨ when when tabs temporarily font tab mode a and any dark tabs. group such chrome navigate you as opened opened "shift+tab" and all tab add simple tabgroup deletion to or 1. windows, a and size multiple lightweight, history. expand click. page to left feature: can 3. a navigate been the navigate tab easier in collapsed. organize ✨ find close the as ✨ to 2. this tab all tabs click some one give new auto multiple you to tab all feature ✨ clutter, from close + v1.3.2: "tab" feature: side panel's all stick group with with with you click most and tab tab. v1.4.4: extension ✨✨ support by tabs create 1. with deleting belongs it and windows help has right close your 7 all one or tabs tab is in ✨ if window scrolling the groups v1.3.9: 2. with can parent try! shortcut you "alt postion, new to to
Tab Tree
Side Panel
Thready - Vertical Tabs
Polychrome: Vertical Tab Groups & Search
Side Space - Vertical Tab Manager
tabVertikal - vertical tabs
tabFlow - tabgroups in tree style
Vertical Tabs in Side Panel
NaviTab - Sidebar Tab Arc Management
Tree Tab Sidebar
Vertically Listed Tabs
SideTab Pro - Vertical Tabs
Tab Shelf - Side panel vertical tabs
Link Map
Open in Sidebar
tabWindow - multi window vertical tabs
Sidebar Tab - pin Chat GPT-4o Gemini Claude in side bar
Page to Sidebar
tabOS - Tab management, ChatGPT 4o, Docs/Images, RSS/YouTube/Reddit feeds
Tab Keeper - Chrome Tab Manager & Sync Tool
Page Sidebar | Open any page in side panel
Vertical Tabs Side Panel
Vertical Tabs