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It Ends With Us-colleen Hoover
Amigos, Amores e Aquela Coisa Terr�vel: As mem�rias do astro de Friends [Book]
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TabLayer - Quick look in tabs for Chrome™
TabLayer - The awesome feature that's sorely missing in Chrome™ : Quick look in tabs, which lets you see the open tabs without opening them. All you have to do is press the TabLayer extension’s button. That means you can instantly watch a thumbnail and description of each open tab you have, and choose to do one of the features:

Navigate to this tab.
Close this tab.
Chrome™ doesn't come with this feature, but, thankfully, TabLayer fills that void.

It has more options:

Searching by text for specific tab.
Thumbnail or List view.
Sorting by 3 options: Sites, Latest views, Chrome™
And more…